To add Permissions to any given person, do the following. How to Open? Open the Menu by pressing F6. Feel free to suggest that if you want me to add additional features or base it on a new UI. NativeUI is included in the files but is not made by myself but by Frazzle. Previous bugs have been fixed if you encounter any, report them in our issues section. Allows for Teleportation to Waypoint (Either VIA the Menu or F10 on the Keyboard).Allows for Weapon Spawning (35 Weapons).Tutorial for Various Things about the Menu If you want to enable certain aspects of the Menu that are disabled or don’t know how to add Ace Permissions and more, feel free to check the link below! The tutorials (Lines to go with them) on this site may or may not be outdated refer to the last link or the Tutorial.html file in the download (Open it VIA a Web Browser). NOTE: In Updated Screenshots, the Emergency Services Menu is not showing refer to Outdated Screenshots.